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ChatGPT has revolutionized the content approach and the way we write and conduct content and its research. However, in recent years ChatGPT has been modifying content parameters and also pacing up content needs as it can generate large amounts of text within a few seconds. The big question is whether relying on AI-generated content is fruitful or has limitations too. The impact of ChatGPT on search engine algorithms can be different from just providing convenience, it is a matter of seeking how ChatGPT can be used for SEO and is it only beneficial or hurtful at the same time. In this blog, we will be diving deep into the important key segments of Google ranking and AI content by going through from pros, cons, and some best practices of AI-generated content for SEO so all the unanswered questions get satisfactory details for making content creation better and convenient.

What is ChatGPT ( Understanding the Tool)

Developed by OpenAI chatgpt is a simple yet impactful tool for creating big texts in a few seconds that add some sort of human reference into the context.
  • Although ChatGPT can be very efficient and time-saving still using AI-generated content for SEO without having proper knowledge of the tool and without optimizing the content can surely hurt your SEO rankings.
  • The Google search engine algorithms usually put pressure more on the content that delivers and reflects originality, value, and relevance so it’s not just time saving to create AI-generated time it has many other details that require knowledge and optimization.

Few Writing Aspects in which ChatGPT and SEO can be used Together

  • Creating Blog Pieces
  • Generating Social Media Captions
  • Copy Pages for Websites
  • FAQ’s
It’s easy to just command and create content from ChatGPT but if it’s done without optimization it will be a piece of gathered information that will have a lesser amount of human impact, essence, originality value, and relevance that can surely take down the SEO ranking in Google Search Engines.

Pros of Using ChatGPT for SEO

  • Time Saving and Efficient:If you are looking to scale your content strategy then surely AI-generated content for SEO saves you hours of research and preparations. By generating content from ChatGPT you save yourself time as compared to manual writing and research which improves your content scalability.
  • Saving you Money:If you hire professional manual content writers for every task of writing then your paid expenses for getting writing done will be very high whereas for small writing tasks like creating captions and FAQ AI tools for content creation can come in handy for your writing tasks as they will be budget-friendly and fast which saves you both money and time.
  • Breaking Creative Blocks:Chatgpt is very helpful in creating creative outlines, taglines, and phrases and taking your content into the dimension of writing ideas you never thought of. AI-generated content in SEO opens the creative blocks for you that help your writing reach new dimensions.

Cons of AI-Generated Content in SEO

Chatgpt content impacts SEO-based content strategy in many ways. If not optimized in writing aspects then AI-generated content can backfire easily lowering the SEO rankings in Google search engines.
  • Lacks in Originality: The major setback of using or generating Chatgpt and SEO-based content for SEO is that it might be time-saving but it loses the original essence of the context in the content which can make your content a failure in Google ranking algorithms.
  • Inaccuracy that Affects Credibility: Although the AI tools for content creation are highly accurate in creating content sometimes if the optimization is not set properly AI does generate outdated and wrong information-based content that can lower your rankings in search engines.

Few SEO Best Practices for AI Content

  • Creating the First Draft:Usually, people ask this question to themselves Does AI content hurt SEO? Yes, it surely does if you draft the whole content from the AI itself. Usually, AI is best in generating the intros and starting context of content but not the final draft so take the help in starting and then creating the manual bodyline and ending of content.
  • Doing the Fact Check before Publishing:Sometimes while saving time person forgets the AI tools do provide misinformation about content created in ChatGPT. Google ranking and AI content need a proper balance and accuracy of fact checks to give better search engine rankings that is why always thoroughly check the content before publishing.
  • Always Add and Balance with Human Touch: Chatgpt content is something that saves a lot of time but it misses the human touch as well. So, while generating AI content for SEO make sure you manualize the content with a human touch so it doesn’t affect or hurt your SEO score and rankings.


It is very easy and convenient to use AI and surely it can be time-saving as well when content is required in bulk but one has to keep these AI content pros and cons with best practices for using AI in mind that can help them in creating better content without effecting their SEO score and rankings which will eventually bring out the successful content creation for them.