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Google ranking is very important for a website to be successful in search engines. Higher rankings bring organic traffic and leads for the website which enhances their performance in the search engines. Performing better in search engines creates a successful website run among all other competitor sites. Sometimes the website does experience a Google Rankings drop which creates a critical situation for website performance in search engines.

Users need to identify the reasons behind website traffic drop because this situation is alarming in relevance to website performance. These sudden changes or fluctuations can be due to Google algorithm updates or technical issues.

The SEO performance of the website depends on these SEO fluctuations. So, for the user, it is really important to run a proper diagnostic by which they can understand the issues and solve them accordingly to improve their site’s SEO performance in the search ranking.

Identifying and Fixing Reasons Behind Drops and Fluctuations

To make your site perform better it is important to make sure search engine functionality for your site is running fine. But sometimes it is not about search engine algorithms it is technical issues that is why after seeing the drop the users mostly get struck with this question why did my Google rankings drop suddenly? Making them worry about site performance. This blog will outline some identified causes and fix ranking drops and fluctuations to improve site performance.

Identifying the Causes 

  • Firstly Identify the Type of Drops: Sudden drops can be a reason for the penalty algorithm or it can be a technical issue that is causing drops in rankings. Fixing a sudden drop in website traffic or it can cause site performance a severe harm. Gradual drops can be the reason too for drop rankings because if the site content is outdated and not fresh or the competition has outnumbered your site then your site can experience gradual drops. Seasonal trends can cause fluctuations in Google rankings although they can be fixed easily and they are not as alarming as sudden and gradual drops.
  • Checking Google Search Console for Drops and Fluctuations: If there are security issues or manual action problems then there are higher chances that GSC will not work smoothly. Search engine ranking drops can happen due to improper functionality of GSC. So, users can identify the GSC issues by analyzing impressions, clicks, and CTR trends. Users can also check for indexing errors on site which can be a reason behind low crawling activity causing drops in rankings.
  • Identifying Changes in Google Algorithm Updates: The user can always stuck with this concept of how to recover from Google algorithm updates. The answer is simple and clear Users can check recent Google updates by utilizing SEMrush or Moz. Then user can compare the updates with the ranking drops so that the identified cause can be detected.

Fixing Ranking Drops to Avoid SEO Fluctuations 

  • Fixing Google Algorithm Updates: Users need to be updated with the recent changes coming in the Google algorithm. Improving EEAT can match Google algorithm update impact  with ease securing site performance enhancement. Also user can focus on updating well-researched, qualitative and human centric content to avoid fluctuations.
  • Fixing Manual Penalities: One of the Google SEO Ranking Drop Solutions include the checking and fixing of manual penalties. A user can lookout for penalty notification by checking GSC which will indicate the penalties on the site. Sometimes broken and bad backlinks can cause sudden drop or gradual drop too so removing them with the help of tool automatically helps in fixing drop issues. User can follow Google guidelines while creating content and create structured content based on the same to avoid drop in rankings.
  • Fixing the Issue of Increased Competition: Sometimes user gets struck with this question in mind that how to recover lost rankings on Google.  This can be the reason of competitors websites getting improved and performing better than your website. To fix this issue user can analyze the strategies opted buy competitors which allow user to identify the gaps to enhance improvement. Offering better content quality that is having customer-centric value can outnumber competitors in rankings. Improving on-page SEO and fixing backlink profile of your site can do wonders for fixing sudden , gradual drops and SEO fluctuations.


Identifying the cause right then fixing them smartly can help in fixing a sudden drop in website traffic as well as fixing gradual drop and fluctuations so that your site perfromance can be improved and your site can top the rankings for a successful online profitable results.